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  • Why fly in Southern Africa?
    In a nutshell: Simply because it is a stunning experience. Combine your flying passion with discovering a new country which is just so very different from our usual flying grounds in Europe - and you won't even have to suffer from a jetlag as South Africa has maximum 1 hour timedifference during the European winter months. Our carefully chosen routes and splendid accomodation will make sure that you do not only see a variety of landscapes and wildlife reserves but also that you get the best available service to make this holiday perfect for you! In our talks prior to your take-off we will ask you about your personal preferences: places you want to see, level of accomodation you prefer to stay in, activities you would like to enjoy en-route, your preferred travelling time. The more wishes you share with us, the better we can take care of your perfect flying adventure in Southern Africa.
  • How do I find the perfect route for me?
    It all depends on your ideas of "perfect". What makes your heart beat faster? Short flights every day and plenty of time on the ground to discover the area? Covering longer legs every few days to see as many different things as possible? Are you the wildlife enthusiast or do you prefer to an adrenalin rush and city life? What is your preferred level of accomodation? You want to go all in on a 5 star experience, you prefer chalets to luxury tents or do you want to travel budget conscious? And last not least: when do you want to travel? Weather patterns are an important part of our safety considerations and thus on the routes we will recommend to you.
  • Do I have to stick to planned routes?
    We for sure would appreciate you sticking to our agreed itinerary. Prior to your arrival we will have extensive talks about what you want from your holidays, your personal points of special interest and type of accomodation you prefer. Based on all the information given we plan your route, considering our local knowledge, weather patterns, events and timing for each leg. For sure there is always the time for another 360 and a bit more sightseeing left and right, but deviating far from the original route can be more than just tricky: Will you still make it during daylight hours to the planned destination of the day? The lodge might have planned picking you up, as well as activities and dinner which are not subject to refund when missed. Is the "new" routing still safe to fly or will you get into an area that we avoided for good reason? Will you be ok on your fuel level? You see, there are plenty of arguments why not to deviate - and we trust that you have been convinced by now.
  • Is it possible to join others during their tour so that I do not travel alone?
    Get in touch with us which route you like to fly and we will check if there is another group going this way which is open to have other aviation enthusiasts joining. We can also promote your personal itinerary on our website as planned tour open for others to join!
  • Can non-flying passengers join?
    Sure they can! All our routes are designed with the best balance between flying time and discovering the surroundings in mind. So as long as your passengers are confident to fly with you, they will still have a fabulous time! During the validation of your license you will be based in the Johannesburg area, so there are plenty of activities to be arranged for none-flying guests. The same goes for the bushpilot training. None-flyers can simply relax back at your accomodation on days they do not want to join your flying. This said, some days have very scenic routes so it might be worth going with to discover South Africa's beauty from the air. Did you check out our Fly&Drive offer? This might be the perfect compromise to discover Southern Africa with non-flyers partners or your family.
  • What is included in the trips?
    In short: all that you want! Generally speaking: Accomodation as booked All meals and drinks if not stated differently in your personal itinerary All transfers and transport to and from the lodges to the airfields of your route Selected activities at the different stops as stated in your itinerary A full briefing by one of our instructors before you take-off including an airfield guide and maps based on your flight planning Flight planning with SkyDemon Dry rental of a regular PA28 or C172/C182 or similar category airplane for the estimated time of your trip All government and local authority permits, overflight permissions and clearances Charter and excess insurance A daily call with us to see that you find everything to your convenience and to brief you for the upcoming day Pick up/Drop off upon arrival and departure What to add: Fuel Landing fees if you head for some bigger fields Gratuities at the lodges Pocket money for souveniers Activities not stated in your itinerary Visa fees (if applicable for your itinerary) Your flight ticket from Europe and back
  • How does payment work?
    Once we have finalized your dream itinerary together and you have set the dates we will fix all bookings for you. At this time we will need a deposit of 25% of the trip costs from you. Please ensure that we receive the remaining 75% latest 30 days in advance as this is the time we have to pay these amounts to your accomodation. South African bank accounts do not work with IBANs so the first time you make a transfer might seem to be a bit more complicated than what we are used to in Europe, but we will send you a sample transfer to help you along with the funny African ways. A lot of lodges handle a no refund policy for cancellation less than 30 days prior to arrival, so yes, unexpected last minutes changes and cancellations from your side will still mean that payments need to be done. Please check with your local travel insurance how to manage this risk while we obviously try our best to reschedule your trip with as little additional costs as possible! While you are en-route we recommend not to take a lot of cash with you. All you need is gratuity money as souveniers and extra activities can usually be paid by debit or credit card.
  • What about the standards on South African aircrafts?
    You need not to worry about South African plane standards as the South African Civil Aviation Authorities maintain a very high level of requirements for maintenance and airworthiness. Every 100 hours our planes receive their MPI (Major Periodic Inspection) as well as the regular safety certifications issued by a certified AMO (Aviation Maintenance Organisation). And obviously should small things arise our partners will fix them immediately. However, do not expect fully furbished glas cockpits of the latest fashion when flying with us. Bushflying rather relies on the good old instrument panel with the Standard Six Pack as a minimum. Traditional instrumentation simply turns out more reliable when out and about than the latest technical stuff which cannot be fixed easily should matters arise while you are on your trip.
  • How am I insured during the trip?
    All our aircrafts are chartered out with underlying hull and third party liability insurance coverage organized by their owners. When travelling with us we ensure that you have the mandatory “Excess” insurance which covers the deductible part of the plane owner's hull insurance. So you have no risk of unexpected costs to come up your way! Obviously you will have to take care of your own travel and health insurances before leaving home!
  • What happens when something happens?
    As pilots we know that we depend on the weather - and on our planes. So yes, there is always the small possibility that your itinerary has to be adjusted. Our accomodation partners know about our business and usually try to react flexible and helpful, however, in odd cases it can happen that additional costs for cancellation or rebookings do occur. African weather can be unpredictable and changes fast. While you are on your way, we make sure we stay in touch to support you in your decision making and advise on flying conditions. One thing is for sure: we opt for being safe than sorry and will not support you in any unnecessary risk taking. If in doubt about conditions and your own comfort, we always recommend to stay grounded and rather enjoy the location you are at for a bit longer. Obviously we will then take care of changing all consequent bookings or replanning of your routing. You encounter problems with the plane while on your way? We are there to help you out: with local mechanics, by sending out an AMO to help fix the issue, even to deliver a new plane for you should this become necessary. We want to make sure that you can enjoy a worry-free holiday and that you can continue your journey as planned.
  • I have my own plane/can borrow a plane from a friend. Can I still book tours with you?
    Sure you can! Just be advised that we will not take any responsibility for your technical equipment and flight performance of your plane. At some places indemnity forms need to be handed in prior to arrival if private airstrips are being used. Should you be stopping at such places while on tour with us, you will have to sign these papers yourself. But do not worry, we help you during all preparations and will provide you the necessary paperwork!
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